Sunday, June 3, 2012

Next to Normal--is a MUST SEE for Middle Tennessee!

Megan Chambers is an all star in Next to Normal! As Diana, the wife and mother who struggles to reach beyond her illness and find normal. Megans voice and vocal range are stellar and equal to any NY stage actress. She both carries and steals the show. Mike Baum gives an excellent performance as Diana's somewhat lost and overwhelmed husband, with Paige Brouillete giving a strong performance as Diana's "lost child" daughter. Keven Mead, Jordan Raveltte and Ben Van Diepen complete the cast and bring yin to Megans' yang.

This is only running for one more week and if you miss it, you have missed the show of the year!

Diana-Megan Chambers
Dan- Mike Baum
Natalie- Paige Brouillette
Gabe- Kevin Mead
Henry- Jordan Ravellette
Doctor Madden/Fine - Ben Van Diepen

A Must see!!

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