Friday, June 29, 2012

Hook your Hook!

Evaluate your hook
from Writers Digest March/April 2012

With each story you start, always remember that an effective hook needs to do 7 things?

1) Grab the readers attention
2) Introduce a character that readers care about
3) Set the story's mood
4) Establish the storytellers voice
5) Orient readers to the world of the protagonist (and enable them to picture it)
6) Lock in the genre
7) End in a way that is both surprising and satisfying

Monday, June 25, 2012

Marketing, selling, from successful authors


Marketing and Selling Your Books presents 4 Quick Reasons Why Building Your Indie Writer Platform is Rewarding posted at The iWriteReadRate Blog, saying, “Continuing our “4 Quick…” Series, here’s a short article about why spending time developing your profile and connecting with readers is valuable to all writers, whether you’re aspiring, indie, or published. Read more…”
Dana Lynn Smith presents Author Websites – Getting Search Engine Traffic posted at The Savvy Book Marketer

and so much more !