Monday, December 13, 2010

Blah Blah Humbug!

ok--now I've said it for you, so you can save that moment to WRITE!!

Another writing prompt ....

(Remember writing is a muscle--you must exercise it!)

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas
It's the __________--time of the year
I don't know if there'll be snow
But have a ______________________--

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why do we write?

THis is a question that i ask myself every day.....and my answer is always the same.....because to not write is to not talk, to not share, to not truly live. Words are how I espress my me-ness!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Happy Labor Day!! R U Writing for the weekend?

Beautiful weather here in Murfreesboro and Nashville. Sunny, cool, and pleasant. I am doing one of my favorite things---writing! Working on a Christmas cookbook, an update to Pink Place, and submissions for Closing the Gate and R Ur Rents @ Splits.....Wishing I could attract more readers to my blog....

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pink Place Rocked!

Yesterday was a great party!

My grandkids all sported pink hair in support of the Pink Party--thank you Katie, Sammi, Gracie, Mattie, Nichols, and Ryan! Thank you Katie for making the annojunceents in the store, Thanks to Sammi for breing a great representative as the person Pink Place is dedicated to, and thansk to Ryan for helping us set up...and how do I ever say thnaks to my incredibel son, for all the help and support he gave, and to his beloved,Tiffany for all of her support, smiles and balloon tying!

Christie's daughter Nyla created an interesting picture of her Mom (in true 3 year old style)!

Mary Pat wore a pink bow in her hair and told us how much she liked her copy of Pink Place...and her mom posted MP's review on our blog!

Kim won the raffle and gets a Pink Place hat--and she's coming back to writers group!!

June stopped by and we signed each others books and talked about ideas for future b0ok events...very inspiring

Susan M., Director of CASA Rutherford County stopped by and bought One
Moment, ONe Memory, One Motion--CASA already bought 10 copies of Pink Place!!

Sysan H., Defense attorney for CASA kids, brought her adorable little red headed baby boy in and bought a Pink Place book for him!

I read the book to all the kids and we gave them Pink Place coloring books to take home--we could have some new Picassos in our midst....

Everyone loved the Pink Place dollhouse...and wanted to take it home

Hastings was very supportive and loved our event!

Thank you seems like such a small thing to say for all the joy you brought me, but THANK YOU!! WITH ALL MY HEART

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Every day is a Pink Day!!

No matter what the day may bring
The little birds still chirp and sing
No matter how sad the day
Children need to laugh and play
No matter what thoughts you think
You every day can still be PINK!

Pink Place is a real place--inside all of us...
Join us on Saturday for the Pink Place party!

Make your day PINK!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Happy Monday!

Finally got my 3 week UK expense report submitted! Sun was shining, kids are healthy....all in all a good day!! Live, love, write! researched agents...have a few ideas for my YA nonfiction book......hope all of you are writing!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Pink Place Childrens book

Pink Place is a lyrical trip through the heart and soul of a uses visual imagery to show children what the "happy place" inside them looks like and how to find it/create it and revisit it when needed.

A Visit to Pink Place makes everything right.....

Yours can be pink, or purple, or's all up to you

One Moment One Memory One Motion

This is a poetic memoir, from Deb Simpson and Piney D Press.

Review by Matthew Watts, Murfreesboro, TN

This is an incredible collection of poetry. Its subject matter is as serious as its writing is accessible. One Moment, One Memory, One Motion tells Deb’s story of living through and recovering from sexual abuse.

There is no need for fantastic circumstance or obscure literary reference; the events and emotions conveyed carry more than enough power. She has no need for pretense or literary cryptology. What she does is spin memory and pure emotion into a tapestry as clearly seen, intricate, and unique as the illustrations on almost every
page of the book.

While the collection is about overcoming sexual abuse, not every poem is one of hurt and pain. Poems such as “Mama’s Face” and “Pink Place” are sweet and peaceful, recollections of the sorts of places we all hopefully have. “Pendulum of the King” reasserts the kind of faith it takes to make it through adversity, whether it be that of abuse or simply despair.

One Moment, One Memory, One Motion goes further than exploring pain and hardship, extending back to recovery. Indeed, while the collection as a whole was quite well done, I found the most inspired work to be that concerning overcoming the past. Perhaps it is the more universal nature of these poems that I find appealing. The entire collection inspires feeling, but poems like the aforementioned “Pendulum of the King” and “Reclaiming and Renaming” are applicable to my own life.

In short, One Moment, One Memory, One Motion is a superbly written and powerfully felt collection of poems. While the subject matter may mean that it’s not a book for everyone, it is an incredibly enlightening book for those willing to give it a chance.

Matthew Watts, Murfreesboro, TN


Write-don't worry about the quality, just keep the pen (or keyboard) moving!

Every day-no excusues!

A little bit of everything....

Don't stop-when you feel blocked, write a grocery list, write a to do list,just WRITE!!


What you do! Or don't do it!

Your memories-or create new ones!

Your kids-it makes a difference when you tell them and show them!


One Moment at a time!

Like there's no tomorrow--there might not be!

Every breath, every step, every opportunity!